Design Journal #4: Sonic The Hedgehog

Sonic The Hedgehog

Sonic the Hedgehog is a video game franchise created by Yuji Naka, and is developed and owned by Sega. The franchise centers on a series of speed-based platform games, but several are spin-offs in different genres. The protagonist of the series is an anthropomorphic blue hedgehog named Sonic the Hedgehog, whose peaceful life is often interrupted by the series's main antagonist, Doctor Eggman.

The controls used in Lemmings on the NES emulator can be seen as being the following:
Up                        = Look Up
Left                       = Run Left
Down                    = Duck
Right                     = Run Right
Start                      = Start/Select
A, B or C              = Jump

You must survive the level to proceed.

Game play:
Main game play is accomplished with using the directional left and/or right buttons to control the direction in which your character (Sonic) runs. This coupled with using the A, B or C Buttons to jump allows the player to overcome all obstacles that present itself on the multitude of high-speed maps included with the game, whilst all the while attempting to gather 'Rings' as a form of life force.

Many underlying  experiences are felt whilst playing Sonic The Hedgehog which can be sub categorized into emotions and instincts such as the following:

  • Fear is achieved in the way of fearing failure or death etc.

  • Anger can be portrayed in Sonic in the way of not having the speed to go in one particular path or being constantly knocked back to near death by animals and/or obstacles.

                Joy/ Happiness:
  • Joy can be derived from the completing of a level as Sonic speeds of into the new map.

  • Pride can be seen on the same level as happiness as one completes that one level that has eluded them for so long.

  • Sadness can be felt at points where Sonic dies.

  • Excitement can be derived from the games extreme sense of speed resulting in quick decision making and the such.


                Survival(Fight or Flight):
  • Sonic is based onto the fight and pursue to survive instinct as you chase down the main antagonist, Doctor Eggman.

                Protection / Care / Nurture:
  • Protection is realized in the way you must manipulate Sonic through the courses and keep alive trying to get through unharmed.

                Exploration / curiosity:
  • Curiosity is played on in the game as you can choose differing routes through all the maps copncluding in shorter times and the such.

                Colour Appreciation:
  • The colour palette of the game is that of a variety of mostly brighter colours which all contribute to setting the mood of the maps theme greatly.

           -Jade Mills-Brewster

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